viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

My experience with the blog

I really liked writing blogs, maybe I had a hard time writing a little, but I did it. I loved being able to decorate my taste all, and add photographs in relation to the blog. In general, I feel that it helped me enough to be able to write the blog and have this instance to write about topics that one likes.

Before in school I did not write so much in English, very little. I think I had very basic classes, that's why it took me a lot to take English again when I entered the University.
I think blogs are very useful for English and they give you the opportunity to learn more. During the classes, I was commenting and reviewing my blog, as I said before, I liked being able to decorate and see if it looked good.

To improve the activity of writing blogs I would like more instances to write free topics, as one more is entertained with the topics that are of interest.
English is super necessary today for everything is needed, therefore I believe that my need as a student and future psychologist is also very necessary, to read research and to understand more what you read, especially to read the papers.

I use English  a little, to listen to music in English, to watch series, but in reality it is relatively little. I will try to improve my English trying to study several times a week, download Duolingo on my cell phone to take entertaining lessons, but I do not know if I'm really. I will also ask for help my boyfriend for help because he knows a lot of English, and perhaps watching more series in English.


viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Changes to my study program



Well the first change that I would like to make is that the subjet of the first undergraduate cycle were more practical since I remember that our approaches were too theoretical and whenever we had to do something practical it was super short. I think also what I would like to change is the number of students per room, since in the first and second year of the career there were subjets that there were one hundred and twenty people in the same room, and therefore the concentration and not being able to listen well the class plays against of course.

As for the scholarships that there are, I think they are enough and in "Bienestar" they give the opportunities so that everyone has possibilities of receiving some kind of help if they require it, in that sense, I have felt super accompanied by part of the social workers of the faculty.

As for the teachers, I think that each one of all the professors that I have met throughout the race have been adequate, except for small exceptions that I really believe that I should not refer as it is not adequate. There are teachers who know too much and are excellent teachers because they try to make their classes as educational as possible, however, the branches that I have had in the second cycle have found much more interesting or rather more practical than the previous cycle , therefore one has possibilities to learn more.


Summer plans


These next vacations I really do not plan to go on vacation, since in my plans is to start my professional practice, I want to start it in January to speed up the processes, because during 2018 a hard year is coming in terms of which I must begin my title memory and do two diplomas. So it is for this reason that I am thinking about not giving me the beloved vacations.

 If this plan does not turn out I hope I can work on something easy, in a commercial store, or something similar.However I hope to be able to go to Valparaiso some weekend, and Viña del Mar since my brother has a hostel there, and my son loves to go to the beach, because he plays with sand and I like to be able to get rid of stress to flee the city.

 I think you need a vacation to recharge your batteries and that if you have the economic resources you should have that pleasure, since traveling leaves you with many lessons.I have always been on vacation, and my favorite places are the coast of Chile, because I think the sea is great to enjoy the summer in the best possible way. 

I hope I can meet my goals for this summer and although I will not go on vacation, I have a lot of encouragement to do what I want, and I hope that you will also achieve what you want from this holidays.                      

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

Posgraduate studies


I think that today it is important to do a postgraduate studies as the labor field has been reduced and one must specialize a lot to be comfortable and safe in their work environment. I also believe that having a post title and going specialize as the years pass is renewing much information that has changed over the years.

I would like to be able to specialize in juvenile child psychology, although in order to graduate I have to do two graduates next year, I would like to deepen the family systemic area. I would like to study in the country, but if there is a possibility I would go abroad. I think anyone would think so. I would also study part time, as I would also like to be working to be able to go paying these postgraduates, since some are very expensive.   And you have other needs, such as family, and you can not devote all your time to studying, you must know the times you need for everything. I think that at long distance you learn less.

I think it is a requirement to be able to have more studies and improve on it, since it opens the door to many more possibilities. But just as you have to have enough resources, as one is investing more and more, and one can not be in debt all the time.


viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

Home Accident

Today I'm going to talk about an accident that happened on Wednesday, October 4. Because it was really a stressful and distressing moment for me.

At about 8 o'clock in the afternoon I was finishing drinking the tea and suddenly the alarm sounds, neither I nor my boyfriend gave importance to him, since it always sounds that alarm for anything, however this time was different, since it was heard a lot of noise and voices, and suddenly PUM! an explosion, when we opened the door to see that it could be passing the smoke and fire was already all over the whole corridor of black smoke, so much so that we closed and just prepared to be on the terrace.😧

when we went to the terrace with our son we realized that the fire and smoke were coming out of the window of our neighbors, below was full of people who looked at the situation and shouted to us: come down! ... however the emergency esacaleras are at the other side of the hallway and in fact our apartment is the last of the corridor, so we were distressed since I did not want to expose my son to a greater danger when passing through the burning apartment.😓

After that, the firefighters arrived, along with the police, and then, when there was not much smoke and was quite controlled, we were able to get off. We were the last to be able to go down, and the whole building was able to evacuate well.😔
Thank God, there was only material damage, since the residents of the apartment were not there when everything started.
Around 23 hours we were able to
 enter our apartment again, and we were only afraid of everything that happened that day.😐😐


viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

My future job


I study psychology  and I only think about taking postgraduate courses in a future. Because I like what I study. And I think I'll graduate next year.
In a future I want to work in  another city, I think  closer to the countryside and nature. I would like to work in clinical psychology, But just as I would like to be able to meet and work in other areas, educational psychology draws my attention and I think it is very necessary at present . It Could be in a Cosam, Cesfam or hospital. I imagine a job near my nuclear family, I think that there in Las Cabras would be fine.

I think I would like to attend patients in this case children and  adolescents in a consultation, which is difficult to do therapy outdoors. However I think there are possibilities of doing workshops outdoors. I would like also when I have enough monetary resources, to have my own consultation, in order to have time for my family. I believe that in the future it is necessary to improve to know more and to be able to have more job possibilities, since the market is very competitive in our area.

My dream has always been to study psychology and I hope I do not disappoint on the road at least I still do not. 


viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

The most important day of my life


The most important day was the day that my son Mateo Antonio was born. October 24, 2014. I remember as if it was yesterday that day. I had a normal pregnancy, so I hardly felt any discomfort, but that day from 7 in the morning I felt terrible, but I did not think my son was about to be born that day. Then I called my midwife and told me to I walk. Then I added the last details and left my house around 10 in the morning to the hospital.

The pain was already insurmountable so when I arrived the midwife told me to stay hospitalized, so I could call the anesthesiologist and my gynecologist. When she applied the anesthesia I felt super better, then I did some yoga exercises so that my son was born faster, and so it was, when I went down to the pavilion it was a  fast time.They told my boyfriend to hurry, since Mateo was about to be born. Mateo weight 3 kilos 800 grams and measured 50 centimeters, from that moment I did not separate from him again, since I only needed to be near mine to calm down. I think this day has marked me and makes me a before and a later in my life. Since as I always say, from that day on I will never be alone.

Bye! 😊

My experience with the blog

Hi: I really liked writing blogs, maybe I had a hard time writing a little, but I did it. I loved being able to decorate my taste...